I'm taking an indefinite hiatus from 𝕏

Dear Friends:

Today, I'm announcing I'll be taking an indefinite hiatus from 𝕏.

Over the weekend I had a moment of clarity and I realized the stuff I was doing on 𝕏 no longer aligned with my goals as an online creator.

When I first started building on 𝕏 back in June 2023, I was doing it because I wanted to drive traffic to my copywriting and web design offers.

Shortly after I started posting on 𝕏, I got swept up into the whirlwind that is Money Twitter and lost sight of my goals.

Then, around October, I began experimenting with LinkedIn.

I thoroughly enjoyed the couple weeks I was hanging out there.

I met some cool people and had loads of fun interacting.

It was a different vibe than 𝕏 — and I liked it...

But I realized I was spreading myself thin.

So I went back solely to 𝕏 and continued on with my posting, engagement, and everything else...

Neglecting my goal of building my e-mail marketing business.

I'm realizing it's now time for me to get back on mission, to build this business.

I want to build my YouTube channel.
I want to build my personal brand on LinkedIn.
I want to build my e-mail marketing business.

𝕏 doesn't really have a place in there.

So I'm done for the time-being.

In the future, I might hire a ghostwriter to handle my 𝕏 account, but until then, it's gonna be mostly a "dead account."

My plan going forward is to post a few times a week on LinkedIn (not three times a day as I was doing on 𝕏), one video per week on YouTube, and spending tons of time responding to various advertisements for e-mail marketers on job boards and freelance websites.

There's more to this story, but we won't get into it right now.

Thank you for being here on this journey with me. I hope you'll join me on LinkedIn and YouTube... it's gonna be a fun 2024. :)

Talk soon,


CreatorFocus™ is a weekly digital publication that's designed to help digital writers handle the typical creative blocks we all face, like burnout, procrastination, and distraction. It's designed for realistic people who know the rewards of being a creator come with longevity and self-improvement. New editions released frequently.

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