hand writing versus digital writing

Up until the invention of the keyboard, I don't think there was a way writers could speed up their writing.

Maybe shorthand? I dunno.

But I have this theory...

My theory is, when we sit in front of a computer and type, we are writing faster than we can think.

Hand writing, on the other hand, gives us a pace where we can think carefully about what we're writing, because we can only write so fast.

I've never measured to see how many words I can handwrite in a minute, but there are several online tests you can take to see how fast you can type.

While writing this e-mail, I took a quick break to take one of those tests.

It revealed I type right around 88 words per minute.

I'd be willing to bet I can write less than half that when I'm journaling.

In fact, I just looked at a journal I was writing in, and estimation has it I write about 25-30 words per minute.

What to make of this information?

First of all, I think it's worth having both a digital and hand writing experience.

They're two very different experiences, and we can benefit from both.

Second, I believe humans are hyper-adaptive.

In the context of digital writing, that means we have the ability to think as fast as we need to so we can effectively type 75+ words per minute.

I'm curious about your writing habits. Do you write anything by hand? Or do you do all your writing on a computer, tablet, or phone?

What kind of observations have you made about the differences between hand writing and digital writing, if any?

Hit 'reply' and gimme your take.



CreatorFocus™ is a weekly digital publication that's designed to help digital writers handle the typical creative blocks we all face, like burnout, procrastination, and distraction. It's designed for realistic people who know the rewards of being a creator come with longevity and self-improvement. New editions released frequently.

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